

Whether you’re having friends over to play board games or kicking back and cheering for your favorite sports team on the television, there’s one ingredient that all game nights need—party food! But, it’s not as simple as throwing some potato chips into a bowl and hoping for the best. No, no! Great game nights are always remembered for the quality of the snacks on offer, so putting in a little effort goes a long way when it comes to your food choices.
However, the kind of food you choose depends on what kind of game night you’re hosting. Once you’ve decided how you’re going to host the best game night ever, check out my recipe index, which is filled to the brim with great food for game nights. Here are a few of my favorites to get you started!
Sports Night
For those evenings when you want to be a part of the sports action from the comfort of your sofa, there are plenty of great dishes you can make, especially ones that go well with a few ice-cold beers! The great thing about this kind of game night is that you’re not actually playing, so anything goes when it comes to choosing your dishes. Hot food works well for this kind of evening. So, prepare in advance by cooking up a delicious vegetable biriyani, along with a spicy sweet potato curry and a cauliflower dal, while making sure that there are plenty of freshly-made chapatis and pooris available to accompany them. Sun-dried homemade potato chips are also a great idea, along with some amazing homemade chutney.
When it’s time to raise the stakes and play strategic games such as Blackjack or poker, it’s a good idea to put some thought into your dishes. No one likes to get greasy fingers and ruin the cards during the game! In fact, this is how the modern sandwich was invented. The practice of eating meat between slices of bread was popularized because it prevented the cards from getting dirty. So, why not rustle up a capsicum masala sandwich, along with a grilled paneer sandwich, to save your guests from sticky fingers? For a sweet touch, pop some melon balls onto cocktail sticks so that they can be easily picked up and eaten.
Action Games
Fans of Pictionary or Charades will love tandoori vegetable skewers and some super-easy pickles and poppadums, as they can be easily picked up and put down during rounds! Chutneys that you make in advance and give some time to settle into the flavors are best, so it’s preferable to get your dishes underway before the event. Chapata foods, such as aloo chaat and Bombay aloo, are also great choices for action games; just make sure that you have plenty available, as these games can create quite an appetite!
Board Games
You just can’t beat a traditional masala dosa when you’re spending time with friends playing Scrabble, Monopoly or any other kind of board game. Easy to hold and devour with one hand while continuing to compete against your friends, masala dosas are a huge win for game night! My recipe for the poori masala filling is a tried and tested winner, and there is little chance of getting it wrong, so it is a perfect dish for anyone, including chef novices. You can even mix it up and put together a raw jackfruit dosa along with some mango rice, for a twist on the classic.
Of course, you couldn’t have a game night without rice. All of the dishes above can benefit from some seriously tasty rice dishes, so scour my recipe index for some of the best side dishes in India. From coconut mustard to capsicum rice, there is a rice dish for every meal.
Just remember to Cook With Smile!

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