
The top 3 natural remedies to try to relieve pain

Many people go for tried and true treatments each time they suffer from any pain. However, some of these medications come with the risk of side effects or they fail to work after a long period of time. There are also natural remedies that bring about relief without prolonged use such as CBD Oil for pain, yoga, or Reiki. Some of the natural remedies work well alongside other medications to reduce pain symptoms and prevent the pain from coming back. If you are suffering from any pain, you may wish to try one or more of the natural remedies to decrease the pain. Here are the top three natural remedies to try to relieve pain.

  • Willow Bark. People use Willow Bark to ease inflammation, which is the cause of most aches and pains. The bark of the white willow contains the chemical salicin. Salicin is similar to Bayer, the main ingredient in aspirin. Initially, people chewed the bark itself to relieve pain and fevers. Currently, people sell willow bark as a dried herb that can brew like tea. The herb may also come as a liquid supplement or in capsule form. You can use willow bark to help relieve headaches, low back pain, osteoarthritis, and other conditions. However, willow bark has its side effects. Just like aspirin, it may slow down your kidneys, cause stomach upsets, and prolong bleeding time. Adults should only use the herb since it can be poisonous to children. You should avoid willow bark if you are sensitive to aspirin or taking any over-the-counter drugs.
  • Cloves. Many people use whole cloves to spice up meat and rice dishes. You can also use ground cloves in pies and many other foods. As a medicine, clove is available in capsules, powder form, or clove oil. You can use cloves to treat a wide range of conditions such as ease nausea, and treat colds. Cloves also help to relieve pain associated with headaches, arthritic inflammation, and toothaches. Clove is also part of a tropical pain reliever. Eugenol, a natural pain reliever, is the active ingredient in cloves. If you have a toothache, you can rub a tiny amount of clove oil on your gum to relieve the pain temporarily until you get to a dentist. Avoid applying too much-undiluted clove oil since it may harm your gum. The best thing is to discuss this approach with your dentist before trying it at home. Clove oil can also increase the risk of excessive bleeding.
  • Heat and Ice. Applying heat and ice directly to any pain site is the most common pain remedy used at home. However, most people do not know precisely when to use ice and heat. Ice pack reduces swelling and inflammation when you apply it shortly after experiencing a strained muscle, or ligament. Once the pain is gone, you can use heat to reduce the stiffness that comes with sprains and strains. You can also use a cold pack to take away a headache. If you have arthritis, apply moist heat to the affected joint. You can warm moist heat packs in the microwave to make them easy to use.

Most natural painkillers are useful for specific causes of pain. However, not all remedies will work for you, but they are a decent option before you turn to pharmacological solutions.

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