
Avarekalu Recipes | Avarekalu Recipes In Kannada

field beans

Avarekalu Recipes | Avarekalu recipes in Kannada | Avarebele Recipes

Avarekalu as known in Kannada are known as field beans or hyacinth beans or lablab in english. In tamil, they are called as mochai ,in gujarati surti papdi and in Marathi Vaal.In Bangalore during the winter everywhere you can see these beans.We make so many dishes using them and infact during this season “avarekalu mela “too happens in Bangalore where a complete street is full of dishes made with Avarekalu. We have Avarekalu dosa,Avarekalu Idli,Avarekalu nippat,Avarekalu kodbale ,avarekalu upma etc

To make things easier i thought of sharing all ” Avarekalu Recipes ” that i have posted till now under one page for easy reference…. Have a look….

Click the name of the dish / image to view the recipe with step by step pic….

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